BLACK SHEEPNeoteric mind game definition /ˈˌblak ˈSHēp/ black sheep Learn to pronounce nounINFORMAL a member of a family or group who is regarded as...
THE GLOBE EARTH THEORY & LUCIFERThe sigil of Lucifer - on the right, correlates to the Globe Earth Model…you can make the correlations or you can ignore or deny it…your...
OUT OF AFRICA - ARE YOU FROM A MONKEY...The Out of Africa Theory is a false construct created by the matrix to limit the minds of society into ONE idea of humanity… Why ONE idea...
GOD IS WITHINGod is within This is why everything in this matrix is teaching the masses that god is on the outside, so it can cypher off your god...
THE DEATH OF A SELF RIGHTEOUS BELIEVERTHE DEATH OF A SELF RIGHTEOUS BELIEVER MANMADE religions create a spirit of self righteousness and audacity to disrespect all other’s...