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Neoteric mind game definition

/ˈˌblak ˈSHēp/ black sheep Learn to pronounce nounINFORMAL a member of a family or group who is regarded as a disgrace to them. "the black sheep of the family"

The Real Meaning

/ˈˌblak ˈSHēp/ black sheep Learn to pronounce actionFORMAL a member of a family who is a Self Healer, Self Starter, Self Thinker, Self Disciplinarian, Generational Curse Breaker, Freeing Thyself, Freeing Others…

The matrix and it’s Neoteric mind tricks flips the real meaning, makes everything “black” bad, a disgrace, etc. the spell of words alters the vision of the mind, by flipping the meaning, it steers the mind away from its own empowerment if you “believe“ what it’s telling you and showing you…

Be the muthaf@&! BLACK SHEEP

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