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The feminine energy that this world has been trying to subdue, belittle and make submissive is the energy written about in ancient cultures that was greatly feared, that they thought would unleash onto this world eventually to straighten it out and bring it back into balance

That feminine energy being written about was not of the soft and nurturing side, as has been taught by the matrix is only what feminine should be…but it’s of the other side of feminine…the side that is fierce, bold, aggressive, that side that defends the children with deadly force…yeah….that side…

We’ve all felt it

Ancient cultures long before the creation of any of today’s Bible’s or religions wrote about this coming time when the people will be forced to face the truth…of who they are, how they lived and what they have become

You know this energy well…

You know those times when you’ve done something you weren’t supposed to do and your mama finds out…

Well, now she’s on her way home to see about you..

That feminine energy

The Great Mother Returns…and she’s bringing The Great Father with her…


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